Home Search Results Specialist Disability Accommodation in partnership with the NDIS in Collie Coming Soon!
3 weeks ago

Specialist Disability Accommodation in partnership with the NDIS in Collie Coming Soon!

Collie WA 6225
Category: Rental
SDA Designs Type: High Physical Support
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 2
Toilets: 2
Accessible Parkings: 2
Number of SDA residents: 2

Dwelling Facilities

Accessible Features
Breakout Room
Built-in Wardrobes
Fire Sprinklers

We are thrilled to announce the release of the first SDA House in Collie. Situated on Wylam Road, this new facility will function as Specialist Disability Accommodation in partnership with the NDIS. The SDA initiative aims to offer enhanced housing options, empowering residents to live more independently while ensuring effective and secure support delivery.

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