Accessibility Policy

Home Accessibility Policy

Effective Date: 17 January 2024

  1. Data Source and Accuracy

1.1 Information Source

SDA Property Listing strives to provide accurate and reliable information about SDA properties. The data primarily comes from property owners, real estate agencies, and other reputable sources in the real estate industry.

1.2 Accuracy Maintenance

We make every effort to keep the information about SDA properties accurate and up to date. Users are encouraged to notify us of any inaccuracies or updates to ensure the quality and precision of the data.

  1. Verification and Listings

2.1 Verification Process

Before a property is listed on SDA Property Listing, it undergoes a verification process to confirm its authenticity and eligibility for display on our platform. Verification may include direct communication with property owners or collaboration with verified real estate agencies.

2.2 Listing Criteria

Properties are listed based on specific criteria, including adherence to regulatory standards, accurate property details, and compliance with our verification process. We reserve the right to refuse or remove listings that do not meet these criteria.

  1. Removal Policy

3.1 User-Requested Removal

Users who identify inaccuracies or outdated information about SDA properties have the right to request removal. To initiate the removal process, users can contact us through the designated channels provided on the website.

3.2 Review and Action

Upon receiving a removal request, we will review the information in question and take prompt action to correct or remove inaccurate data. Transparency in the removal process is a priority for SDA Property Listing.

  1. User Content Policy

4.1 Acceptable User Content

User-generated content, including reviews and ratings, is welcomed on SDA Property Listing. However, users are expected to provide truthful and respectful feedback. Content that violates community standards, includes hate speech, or is deemed inappropriate may be moderated or removed.

4.2 Moderation Process

User-generated content is subject to moderation to maintain the integrity of the platform. SDA Property Listing reserves the right to remove or edit content that violates our policies.

  1. Fair Dealing and Competition

5.1 Fair Competition

SDA Property Listing operates with fairness and transparency in the real estate market. We do not engage in practices that unfairly compete with property owners, real estate agencies, or other entities listed on our platform.

5.2 Non-exclusivity

Property owners and real estate agencies are free to list their properties on multiple platforms. SDA Property Listing does not impose exclusivity requirements, allowing fair competition in the real estate industry.

  1. Accessibility

6.1 Commitment to Accessibility

SDA Property Listing is committed to making its website accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. We strive to comply with accessibility standards to ensure a seamless and inclusive experience for everyone.

6.2 Accessibility Feedback

Users with accessibility concerns or feedback are encouraged to contact us. We value input that helps us improve accessibility features and address any barriers faced by users with disabilities.

  1. Contact Information

For inquiries or concerns regarding this comprehensive policy, please contact: [email protected]

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