Privacy Policy

Home Privacy Policy
SDA Property Listing is dedicated to safeguarding and respecting the privacy of your personal information. Collection of Personal Information: When you access our website, various methods may be employed to collect your personal information, as outlined below.
  1. Automatic Data Logging:  Upon visiting our website, certain information is automatically logged, including server addresses, domain names, IP addresses, date and time of visits, accessed pages, and downloaded documents. This data is primarily collected for statistical purposes, with de-identification prior to use. We do not seek to identify individual visitors, unless required by law in the event of an investigation.

  2. Online Forms and Email Correspondence:  Personal information may be collected when you complete and submit online forms or send us emails. This information is used for responding to your inquiries or providing services. Failure to provide necessary information may impede our ability to respond to your inquiries or fulfill service requests.

  3. Email Communication Monitoring:  Email communications through our website may be monitored for statistical and quality purposes.

  4. Temporary Cookies:  Some applications on our website may use temporary cookies. These are small data files attached to your computer’s memory to remember information about you. We may utilize this data to continue providing information, including advertisements, after you leave our website. You have the option to set your browser to reject cookies.

  5. External Links:  SDA Property Listing is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of external links provided on our website. Links are for convenience only, and we disclaim liability for any issues arising from using external websites through links on our site.

  6. Social Media Interaction:  Personal information may be collected when you communicate with us through social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

  7. Third-Party Consent:  If providing personal information about others, you warrant having their consent.

  8. Marketing and Fundraising:  Information collected through our website or social media pages may be used for marketing or fundraising purposes. It may also be disclosed to organizations assisting in fundraising activities. By using our services, you consent to such use and disclosure.

  9. Disclosure for Administrative and Legal Compliance:  Personal information may be disclosed to third parties for administrative purposes and legal compliance. This includes contracted service providers like IT service providers and government entities to meet reporting obligations.

  10. Privacy Policy:  All collected personal information is managed in accordance with our Privacy Policy. This policy outlines information on personal data management, entities with access, your rights to access and correct information, and procedures for complaints about breaches of the Australian Privacy Principles.
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