Terms and Conditions

Home Terms and Conditions

Effective and Last Updated: 17 January 2024

Please read these Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) carefully as they constitute and govern an agreement (“Agreement”) between SDA Property Listing ABN (ABN 26 614 220 889) who owns and operates the domain www.sdapropertylisting.com.au (“we or us”) and you (“you or your”).

  1. Acceptance of Terms

The Terms apply to any goods, services, and information provided by us, as well as all interactions between us and you. By accessing our website www.sdapropertylisting.com.au and engaging in any interactions, you agree to these Terms.

  1. Website Access and Interactions

You will be deemed to agree to the Terms on each occasion you interact with us, including but not limited to:

  1. Waiver and Release

SDA Property Listing provides information, advertising, and communication services primarily for Real Estate Activities. We do not guarantee financial success in any Real Estate Activities. Our services are general. We make no warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the website or interactions.

  1. Limitation of Liability

We are not liable for any loss or damages in connection with interactions, services, or Real Estate Activities. Under applicable laws, our liability for breach of conditions is limited to resupply of services or refund. We are not responsible for external links’ content or third-party dealings.

  1. Privacy Policy

Information collected during interactions is subject to our Privacy Policy available at www.sdapropertylisting.com.au/privacy-policy

  1. Intellectual Property

We own the copyright to all content on www.sdapropertylisting.com.au. You may use content for personal, non-commercial use but may not reproduce, modify, or distribute without our permission. 

  1. Links and Associations

We may provide links to other websites for your convenience. We do not control or endorse these websites and disclaim responsibility for their content.

  1. No Unlawful or Prohibited Use

You agree not to use the website for unlawful or prohibited purposes. Harvesting email addresses and unsolicited advertising are prohibited.

  1. Refunds and Currency

Refunds for membership purchases are available within 30 days. All transactions are processed in Australian Dollars (AUD).

  1. Governing Law

These Terms are governed by the laws of the State of Victoria, Australia. You submit to the jurisdiction of Victoria courts.

  1. Security for Registered Users

We do not guarantee uninterrupted website functionality. Registered users must provide accurate information, protect their account security, and report any unauthorized use.

  1. Accounts and Security for Registered Users

We may collect registration information as per our Privacy Policy. Evaluate information on the website with professional advice. We are not responsible for user interactions or publications.

  1. Dispute Resolution

Disputes shall be settled through binding arbitration in accordance with the International Arbitration Act. The parties waive rights to judicial review of the arbitrator’s decision.

  1. Limitation of Liability

Your use of the website and participation in interactions are at your own risk. We disclaim liability for any damages arising out of or connected with interactions or the website.


We may make changes to these Terms at any time without notice, and you agree to review them regularly.

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